A few years ago I became interested in catamarans. Obsessed might be a more accurate description. Initially I think it was the idea of camping on the water, like a giant amphibious recreational vehicle.

Picture a 3 bedroom 3 bath apartment parked on a cove near a sandy palm tree lined beach. Throw in my wife and make the apartment mobile by sticking a sail up top and you’re beginning to get the picture.

So I started watching a few YouTube videos and learned a bunch of names of catamaran manufacturers like Lagoon, Leopard, Fountaine Pajot, Nautitech, Outremer, and my personal fav of the moment Seawind. Budget concerns aside you end up picking a balance between performance, like how it sails, and size or comfort.

That balance along with what it costs is what will help you start to look. YouTube is full of videos from the manufacturers but what’s fun to see is the couples and families who actually live on these floating apartments. You’ll see oodles of long running series from names like Sailing La Vagabonde, Sailing Ruby Rose, Sailing Zatara, The O’Kelly’s, Gone With The Wynns (love the name!) etc.

That’s enough to get you started if you have an interest. I’m sure I’ll write more as time goes on.